Making Lunchtime Easier: Lunchtime Tips & Easy Meals for Kids

November 6, 2020

Making Lunchtime Easier: Lunchtime Tips & Easy Meals for Kids

With the start of the school year upon us, we’re looking at a remarkably different landscape than years prior. Kids are beginning the school year remotely here in Chicago, and many parents are still working from home as well. 

Parents are now playing multiple roles at once: teacher, disciplinarian, and hall monitor all at once. And they are now tasked with scheduling and monitoring their child’s school day on top of their existing parental responsibilities and their own day-to-day schedules!

Lunchtime can be a struggle for many families, especially since adults can sometimes stave their hunger, either by grazing on snacks or completely skipping a meal. Kids, however, need to eat a full lunch every day.

For one thing, it helps them to meet their daily dietary needs. Without a healthy kid-friendly meal for lunch, this puts a lot of responsibility on breakfast and dinner. Here at Eat Purely, we make nutrition easy, incorporating simple, delicious flavors with vegetables - and never any additives or preservatives. Our mac and cheese makes lunch time better than any cafeteria could offer. With creamy cheese that's free from preservatives and additives, you might find yourself sneaking bites. And with steak and frites that crisp perfectly in the oven, your kids won’t miss soggier school lunch fare.

Eating a full meal will give kids the boost in concentration that they need as well. From the home environment, concentration can be even harder than in a classroom. After all, all the comforts of home are right there - and the teacher can seem far away. As a parent, it can be hard to ensure that your child will be concentrating on instruction or independent work while you yourself have to deal with your own daily responsibilities. 

But a well-rounded lunch can help.

Lunchtime can also be a time for connection. While the school lunchroom is on pause for the moment, sitting down to eat lunch with your child can strengthen your relationship - and give them some much needed time for relaxation. Food is social, and Eat Purely helps you to make the most of this time for connection, cutting out food prep and cooking time alike. 

Here are some tips for making your at-home lunchtime a successful experience:

Give kids the time they need to eat

Feeling rushed while eating isn’t a fun experience for anyone. And kids need time to sit down and enjoy a meal. 

Giving your child enough time to eat is something that will benefit them - and you - in the long run. Not only does it give them a break from school work (and from staring at a computer screen, now more prevalent than ever in our children's lives), but it gives them the chance to consume a more balanced meal.

Kids’ meals from a meal delivery service can make quick meals for kids easy, providing more time for lunch itself. If you don’t have time for meal prep for kids, healthy kid friendly meals from a kids meal delivery service might be a great option for you.

With Eat Purely’s kids’ meal variety packs, getting healthy kid friendly meals and quick meals for kids is easier than ever. With vegetables a-plenty, delicious flavors, and no additives or preservatives, they’re meals you’ll feel confident giving your kids (or even eating yourself - we won’t judge). And you just have to pop them in the microwave for a few minutes and voila, ready to go - maximizing lunch time.

Sit down with your kids as they eat

It can be difficult to fit everything into just one single day, there’s no doubt about it - now more so than ever. But taking the time to sit down and enjoy a few moments with your child or children is something that will benefit you immensely. You need the break too, and shared meal times can foster a deeper connection with your child.

And, of course, you don’t even have to cook. Stock your fridge with quick meals for kids from Eat Purely and lunch time is already taken care of. These healthy kid friendly meals are so good and so easy you might even reach for one yourself.

Make it fun

Lunchtime doesn’t have to be boring! Trying new and exciting food with your kids can be enjoyable for everyone involved. Exploring new flavors together - and new twists on old classics like mac and cheese and steak and potatoes - can create a true bonding experience. 

With our variety pack, you get four entrees - heat up two at once and compare and contrast.

Provide them with food that will keep them running

School, even (or especially!) remote schooling, takes a lot of brain power. The typical school day can leave kids feeling tired and sluggish. If they’re not eating well throughout the day, this is more likely to occur - and earlier in the day too, for that matter.

Help your kids out with healthy kid friendly meals from Eat Purely, where they’re guaranteed all of the good stuff - and it’ll taste so good they won’t even notice that they’re eating something healthy. Parents of picky eaters rejoice.

But, above all else, go easy on yourself as a parent, a teacher, and in all other new roles you might be filling this school year. Life looks a little different now, and we’re all still adjusting - but Eat Purely is here with easy meals for kids to bring some ease and comfort to your day.